Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scenes from Christmas

Just a few random shots from Christmas:

My beautiful nieces Athena & Ariel:
And I must apologize here to their dentist/orthodontist for wrapping and taping and wrapping and taping and stapling their $50 bills causing them to use their teeth to try and open the little bundles. It sure was fun to watch tho:
Daniel wearing his new Peyton Manning jersey:
Fun with jello jigglers:
Daniel asking if he could use all of his cash for the ice cream man that haunts the neighborhood with that all too familiar music:
Grandma Lucy trying to stick her fingers up Casey's nose:
Chloe, need I say more:

Daniel helping Grandpa open his presents:
The kids:
Me and my darlings:
Collin & Grandma Lucy:
Good fun and much love.

1 comment:

  1. awww, that was awesome. i always have a wondeerfull time when ever i go over to ur place, or hang out with u at all XD
