Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So I buy a lot of the reusable bags from different stores. I end up sending many of them home with people when they need a bag to tote food or stuff home or maybe need a  purse (Patty, but that's another story). I didn't really need one today while I was at Sprouts (I love that store and have one right around the corner...if you don't then you should move near one) but this strawberry one I just had to have:
I was also surprised the other day with a box in the mail from my sis-in-law Patty. I had a little camera tripod on my amazon wish list for Christmas and didn't get it. Lo and behold in the box was my cute little tripod.
Now I couldn't take a picture of it with the camera mounted on it cause well....I just couldn't. But it's really cool and you can place it or attach it anywhere:
How cool is that? It's great in the kitchen now when I am taking pictures while cooking. Before I would have to hold the camera and take the pic with one hand (that was usually covered in food) while my other hand was adding ingredients or stirring. Now I can set it up and just reach over and "snap." No more food particles all over the camera!

She also included a card thanking me for things that I do for her and my nieces. But I think she will have to abstain from sending me thank you gifts because shortly after I got it she was in an accident and I was called to pick her up. Picking her up was not a problem at all but the accident thing......well if that is what comes with a gift...I'm just sayin....

On another note I was with the Grandman the other day. He lost his first tooth!!!
There's the new one...the next one is starting to poke through.....get wiggling!

So we were driving the other day and we heard the Pink song "Pretty Pretty Please" 3 times and we were just belting it out together. Then another song came on that I can't remember but sounded like nails on a chalkboard so I switched the station.

Daniel: "Gram! Why do you want to spend so much time with me when you don't like my music?"

Gram: "But Daniel, I like a lot of your music, do I have to like every song?"

Daniel: "Well, Mommy likes ALL of my music."

How do you argue with that logic?

And when he was getting in my car he slipped and hit his you know whats and said "Awwww, I smashed my tentacles!" I love that little man:

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