Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Love Of Ice Cream Ruined Forever

ALERT! Viewer discretion advised. Do not read any further if you are squeamish about stories where awful things are found in food.

Mr. H and I were watching the movie Death at a Funeral and if you've seen it there is a totally disgusting scene where one of the characters was helping Uncle from his wheelchair onto the toilet and his arm got stuck underneath Uncle and, well, I'll let your imagination take over.....

Ironically, an equally disgusting (actually more so because it involved real props and yours truly) scene was  taking place simultaneously at Casa Holmes'.

I debated writing about it because it is so gross and I think it has possibly scarred me for life but maybe this will help me deal......and maybe I can find some words of wisdom out there to get me over this......

Mr. H bought me some of my favorite ice cream. He is not a fan of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream but got some just for me cause he is like that.

So we were watching the movie and I was slowly enjoying my treat when....crunch! What was that? This is a smooth, creamy, melt in your mouth, NOT CRUNCHY, treat. Did I bust a tooth? Spit out the crunchy pieces.....root around with the tongue to try to find a broken tooth somewhere in there...nothing.

Examine the evidence and to my horror what do I find????

Holy Crap! What creature are these from? Call in CSI! So now I can never eat my favorite ice cream again. I'm not sure I can ever eat anything again that is not raw food. I can't stop thinking about it. aaaaagggghhhh.

So what do you do when this happens? Send the evidence to Dreyer's so they are alerted that their product comes with an extra, no charge for that ma'am, surprise?

I am one of those people who would never make it on those shows where you have to eat disgusting things like bugs or RODENT TEETH????

I may need to seek therapy. I apologize for sharing this story but I am hoping it helps me heal. Maybe it is a conspiracy by vegans and global warming activists to try to stop people from eating meat and dairy. You know, less cows, less methane....I'm just sayin.

1 comment:

  1. Looks more like rodent toenails than teeth. Just my observation.
